- 03:03 Pegatron and Freescale has announced a processor family i.MX51, based on Cotex-A8 core, Cotex family, ARM architecture . #
- 03:06 Freescale is working Ubuntu with i.MX515 (a i.MX51 family processor); meanwhile, Palm Pre is said to powed by an ARM Cotex-A8 core. #
- 03:13 With Official supports from Canonical-ARM Alliance, I expect that Ubuntu should run well on ARM Cotex-A8, which is processor of Palm Pre. #
- 03:19 I don't know if anyone wants this, but just points out that Palm Pre might have the potential to become an Ubuntu machine. #
- 20:04 我真不敢相信,現在連Music Video裡拿把槍也要打馬賽克!? #
- 21:05 funp.com/t679042 台灣首位職業拳擊手 林明佳(Rocky Lin)vs. Ricardo Lopez #
- 21:16 如果要說運動界的台灣之光的話,林明佳應該排很前面吧。台灣的拳擊環境應該可以說跟沒有一樣。 #
- 21:17 不知道日本人會不會覺得,姓郭和姓林的台灣人都特別強 XD #
- 21:45 @smallufo @ppy 舉辦竹湖小蘿莉大賽 也不錯~ #
- 23:00 原來遠傳070和PHS、亞太、威寶還未完成互連 囧 (不過我也沒有070打上述的需求就是) #
- 23:07 遠傳070打0800也不通。似乎因為0800是中華電的。(不知道有沒有人測試看看MSN網路電話打0800通不通) #
- 23:21 遠傳070,使用上還蠻滿意的,話質清晰。(如果想瞭解怎樣叫話質不清,可以試試PHS) #
- 23:24 我用的070是Wagaly Talk 3,基本上就是DECT無線話機,然後走VoIP這樣。 #
- 23:35 tinyurl.com/8n5lp6 原來新聞局公告,禁止電影院禁帶外食 #
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